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Chinese translation for "bank savings deposit"


Related Translations:
forced savings:  强迫储蓄强制储蓄
corporate savings:  公司储蓄公司社团储蓄
citibank savings:  花旗储蓄银行
cooperative savings:  共同储蓄存款
effective savings:  有效储蓄
savings society:  储蓄会
deferred savings:  定期存款延存储金延存贮金
no savings:  无存款
liquid savings:  流动性储蓄
savings bonds:  储蓄公债储蓄债券
Example Sentences:
1.Residents ' bank savings deposit
2.Residents bank savings deposit
3.While maintaining the current level of bank savings deposits of residents & indirect financing as the main form of financing , we should develop direct financing such as the issuance of stocks & bonds , & strengthen supervision & control of the securities market
4.Article 28 financial institutions handling foreign exchange businesses shall pay reserve funds for foreign exchange bank savings deposits in line with relevant state regulations , abide by stipulations on the management of foreign exchange asset - liability ratios , and establish bad debts reserves
Similar Words:
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