Chinese translation for "bank savings deposit"
- 银行储蓄存款
Related Translations:
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Residents ' bank savings deposit 居民储蓄存款 | | 2. | Residents bank savings deposit 居民储蓄存款 | | 3. | While maintaining the current level of bank savings deposits of residents & indirect financing as the main form of financing , we should develop direct financing such as the issuance of stocks & bonds , & strengthen supervision & control of the securities market 在稳定银行居民储蓄存款,坚持以间接融资为主的同时,积极发展股票,债券等直接融资,加强对证券市场的监管。 | | 4. | Article 28 financial institutions handling foreign exchange businesses shall pay reserve funds for foreign exchange bank savings deposits in line with relevant state regulations , abide by stipulations on the management of foreign exchange asset - liability ratios , and establish bad debts reserves 第二十八条金融机构经营外汇业务,应当按照国家有关规定交存外汇存款准备金,遵守外汇资产负债比例管理的规定,并建立呆帐准备金。 |
- Similar Words:
- "bank russo-iran" Chinese translation, "bank saderat iran" Chinese translation, "bank safe custody" Chinese translation, "bank sand" Chinese translation, "bank savings account" Chinese translation, "bank scale" Chinese translation, "bank scarp" Chinese translation, "bank seal" Chinese translation, "bank seat" Chinese translation, "bank seismic facies unit" Chinese translation